This blog is intended to be a way for me to take notice of the great things in life and to share those great things.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Maybe Not Happiness, but Hope

I am not sure if the word happy really suffices, but people like Tony Dungy make me feel comforted in this crazy world and I think comfort is part of happiness.

I really didn't know about Tony Dungy until my husband took the Wilbur Dungy Endowed Chair position at Jackson Community College. As I read about the Dungy family, I was amazed at the service both Wilbur and his son, Tony, have done in their communities.

Tony Dungy has taken it upon himself to help someone who is, rightly so, extremely unpopular in our society right now, a football player, Michael Vick, who committed horrific crimes against dogs. It is easy to feel hatred and disgust over Michael Vick, and yet Tony Dungy is trying to help him get to a better place in life.

I thought about this this morning and of course I'm only speculating, which is far off from reality, but if someone committed a horrific crime against me, would I be better off if they were punished forever or if they could eventually do something meaningful with their life? I realize now all persons who commit crimes can ever feel remorse, but for those who can and who can possibly do some good, shouldn't we try to help them? It's a huge undertaking, not something I'm sure I could ever do, so I thank people like Tony Dungy who believe in the goodness of others.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sending me the link to this blog Heather. I appreciate the way you feel and trust me I see both sides of the coin on this issue. But as a Christian, I was raised to forgive and give those second chances, just like Tony Dungy has. Giving those second chances mean so much to many people in this world, especially to those that are truly remorsefull and make the most of those second chances and do not take advantage of those that offer those chance to them. Thanks for sharing this!

