This blog is intended to be a way for me to take notice of the great things in life and to share those great things.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


I had a lovely conversation with a co-worker yesterday regarding the horrifically depressing qualities of Michigan this time of year. It is really astounding how the sky can retain its gray quality for so long!

So in my search for happiness yesterday I decided that Soph and I should go walking around the mall, which is relatively well lit and has people - two qualities that do lift my mood. It was wonderful! Soph loves to hear stories while we walk and we play games like, "If you could only have one pet, what would it be?"

I realized that just doing something to defeat the winter blahs, taking action, is happiness producing. It is amazing how uplifted one can feel when one decides that they, not the Michigan sky, is in control of their outlook. I know this applies to all areas of life. When we give up control of our happiness to outside sources, we give up our happiness.

What the heck people did before we had malls is beyond me!

1 comment:

  1. Go to the Matthai Botanical Garden this weekend. It will make you feel so much better - a wonderful escape from all that is Michigan.
